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with The Visual Journaler

Individuation through Visual Journaling is a Jungian-based approach representing a unique and transformative approach to personal growth and self-discovery. Rooted in the principles of renowned Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, this approach combines the exploration of the unconscious mind, archetypal symbolism, and creative expression through visual journaling. Delving deep into the inner world offers a rich opportunity to uncover hidden insights, resolve inner conflicts, improve relationships, reduce stress, navigate change and transitions, and tap into your inner wisdom to embark on a profound journey toward self-realization and personal transformation.

What Makes a Jungian Approach Different?

A Jungian-based coaching approach with visual journaling offers a transformative departure from traditional coaching methods. Unlike conventional coaching, which often revolves around goal setting and action plans, this approach plunges deep into the individual’s inner world. It invites clients to explore their unconscious mind, dreams, and symbols, fostering a profound understanding of their true selves and motivations. Additionally, it integrates the wisdom of archetypes, universal symbols, and themes that resonate with the human experience. Visual journaling becomes a creative medium for clients to engage with these archetypes, shedding light on their roles within personal narratives and decision-making processes.

A Jungian-based approach places significant emphasis on shadow work – confronting and integrating hidden and repressed aspects of the self. Visual journaling provides a safe and expressive avenue to navigate our shadow selves, promoting personal growth, self-acceptance, and emotional healing. In contrast to the linear and goal-oriented nature of traditional coaching, Jungian coaching embraces a holistic, non-linear approach to self-discovery and transformation. It recognizes the complexity of the human psyche and utilizes symbolic language through visual expression, enabling clients to convey thoughts and emotions that words alone may not capture. This approach empowers individuals to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and personal growth, transcending the confines of traditional coaching methods.

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.

If you answered YES to any of these questions, you may be ready for this deeper work.

The Visual Journaler

A Transformative Journey of Self-Discovery


The Elements of Individuation with The Visual Journaler

DEEP SELF EXPLORATION providing a safe and creative space for delving into the unconscious mind, uncovering hidden thoughts, emotions, and patterns that traditional coaching may not reach.

ARCHETYPAL INSIGHTS integrating Jung's concept of archetypes, universal symbols and themes that resonate with the human experience.

SHADOW INTEGRATION the process of acknowledging and integrating repressed aspects of the self, Visual journaling offers a creative outlet to confront shadows, fostering self-acceptance, and personal growth.

NON LINEAR GROWTH Jungian coaching recognizes the non-linear nature of personal growth and embraces a holistic approach.

SYMBOLIC LANGUAGE Visual journaling provides a unique form of communication through imagery and symbols that words alone may not convey effectively, facilitating deeper self-expression and exploration.

PERSONAL MYTHMAKING create and explore your personal myths and narratives and gain clarity about your life's journey, purpose, and the stories that shape your identities.

No art experience is required!


LEADERSHIP & integral Coach, experience designer, Group Facilitator, and Mixed Media Enthusiast

Meet Terri Altschul, PCC

To create my programs, I've taken everything I've learned in my three decade corporate and consulting careers about human development, transformational learning, and online learning.

I can create a safe container within which you can explore the unknown parts of yourself.  I can hold space while you laugh, experiment, cry, and feel any emotion you need.

I can teach you the tools I use to go on this creative journey – and it doesn’t require any art experience AT ALL!

I’m in this to help you realize your light and unleash all that is uniquely and brilliantly you.

Number of People Terri has Trained and Coached
2000 +

How the Program Works

Talent-Based Career Development is a six-week hybrid program on our new all-in-one social learning platform. The program includes online content and live Q&A with Terri.  In a private cohort space, you can network, engage, and learn with other program participants.

Everything is recorded and downloadable, so you can watch on your schedule and return to the material for deeper learning.

Here’s how it works…

Beginning in November, you’ll participate in 6 Weekly Video Lessons, followed by Live  Q+A’s with Terri. The Live calls are held on Thursdays from 3:00-4:30 pm EST. where we discuss questions, insights, and actionable ideas based on the the week’s material. Live call recordings will be available within 48 hours of the live sessions.



The program is interactive and engaging. You won’t be sitting listening to long lectures. Instead, you’ll be doing. Each Module includes a new topic with exercises, interactive worksheets, online discussion prompts, and a Live 90-minute Q&A Call with Terri. 

The program is both synchronous and asynchronous, so you can work at a time that best fits your schedule. The Modules build on and integrate the previous material. You’ll learn reliable methods to create a sustainable career.


Your Coaching Journey

1) We establish the relationship by building rapport and setting the foundation for working together, setting goals, or taking a 360 assessment, depending on your program.

2) During coaching sessions we do a check-in and follow-up on goals. We meet every 2-3 weeks for 6-12 virtual coaching sessions. At the end of the session field work is identified.

3) Between sessions you are experimenting with new approaches, taking notes and keeping a record of your progress, and communicating via email with Terri for additional support.

4) As we close your program, we will review your progress against your original goals. We will celebrate accomplishments and discuss how to maintain your results.


An All-in-One Virtual Experience

Our personalized coaching portal allows you to schedule and track your sessions, record goals, take notes, and access personalized resources Terri has assigned.  Coaching sessions occur via Zoom on any device you prefer.

Join Us for Individuation with The Visual Journaler

A 6-Month Journey Begins March 28, 2024

Here's what you'll receive:

No art experience is required!

a social learning experience

Our Members Are the Heartbeat of the Community

Our community is collaborative, inclusive, holistic, and contribution-driven. We understand that each woman is on her journey to realize her full potential and express her gifts and talents in her unique way. The way she does this looks different for each woman. 

We support you in finding what works best for you. We don’t give advice or coach without permission. Instead, we generously share our experiences and observations so you can benefit from the insight of others while digging deeper into your expression.

Client Love


Change Can Be Hard, Let's Do This Together

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